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Flat glass processing equipment for sale in UKDatum13.02.2025
KategorieMachines & Tools, Cold End Lines
StandortDundee, Scotland
KurzbeschreibungFlat glass processing equipment on behalf of Ravensby Glass Company Ltd, due to the Closure of their Dundee Facility
Exceptional Quality Commercial & Domestic IGU Manufacturing & Glass Processing Equipment
Sale Type: Online Auction
Sale Date: Tuesday 11 February 2025, 11am GMT
Location: Dundee, Scotland
Viewing Information: Strictly by Appointment Only
BeschreibungExceptional Quality Commercial & Domestic IGU Manufacturing & Glass Processing Equipment
On Behalf of Ravensby Glass Company Ltd, due to the Closure of their Dundee Facility
Kontakt InfoFirmaHilco Global
AnschriftValuation Services Europe
3 St Helen’s Place London, EC3A 6AB 0044 8453 130 155 Großbritannien |