
Elettromeccanica Bovone S.r.l.
Elettromeccanica Bovone S.r.l.
Refractories Experience S.r.l.
Refractories Experience S.r.l.
Pneumofore S.p.A.
Pneumofore S.p.A.

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GPS Servo Gob Distributor for IS-machine , for glass forming machine, is-machine

KategorieMachines & Tools, Production (Machines - Moulds)
HerstellerGPS IS machine
KurzbeschreibungWe have several GPS Servo Gob Distributor mechanism for sale. The Gob Distrilbutor Heads are for DG 4 3/8", TG 3". There are also GPS / Futronic / Bosch IS-machine Timing- and Motor-Drive-systems available. Just let us know what you are looking for.


We have several GPS Servo Gob Distributor for sale. Gob Distributor Heads are for DG 4 3/8 and TG 3" available. There are also GPS / Futronic / Bosch IS-machine Timing- and Motor-Drive-systems available.
Just let us know what you are looking for.

Dateien & Bilder

2021215133804-0883.jpg JPG 136.029 byte show
2021215133805-0396.jpg JPG 148.191 byte show
2021215133805-0639.jpg JPG 142.392 byte show
2021215133805-0888.jpg JPG 156.447 byte show
2021215133806-0093.jpg JPG 161.416 byte show
2021215133835-0999.jpg JPG 178.838 byte show
2021215133911-0898.jpg JPG 113.466 byte show
2021215134048-0144.jpg JPG 136.437 byte show
2021215134134-0078.jpg JPG 146.178 byte show
2021215134438-0173.jpg JPG 90.117 byte show
2021215134438-0668.jpg JPG 135.457 byte show

Preis & Lieferung

Lieferung, TransportEXW, or according to your needs

Kontakt Info

FirmaSiegler Hohlglasservice
AnschriftWiesenfurt 45a
97833 Frammersbach
0049 9355 7163
0049 9355 7597
AnsprechpartnerHerr Alfred Siegler